Quran Classes

Just like you have a place where you came from, have certain personality characteristics and have certain rules by which you live, so do the letters of the Quran. Each letter has a place of origin (makhraj), characteristics (sifat), and rules by which it lives on its own and amongst its neighboring words (tajweed). In our one-on-one classes for kids and women, we teach all those things, without getting overwhelmed.

  • Classes are tailormade to each student’s needs.

  • Some students have joined us after having been stuck on the simple alphabets for over a year with other madrasas and schools, while some have taken up to 4 years to finish the Qai’da in classes filled with over 20-40 students. Therefore, there is minimal personal attention each student receives.

  • We are different. We have one-on-one classes that suit individual needs. We work around the student’s schedule and help each student overcome even the mental obstacles they might experience in learning the Quran. Alhamdulillah the results of our students have been remarkable.

Generally, the one-on-one Quran classes will be held online three times a week, each session lasting approximately 30 minutes. You will be sent one link which can be used every time to enter the class. The student and teacher will be able to see each other and form a healthy student-teacher relationship over time to facilitate proper learning inshallah.

Payment of $185 is made every month. Students who have taken these classes progress at a good pace and can move on to reciting the Quran. Once the student has completed the Qa’ida, one khatma of the Quran is necessary to gauge the correctness of the student’s recitation.


Sublime: A Quranic Arabic Experience